[MiramonteTalk] Recent posts

Harold Hallikainen harold at hallikainen.org
Wed Jun 5 15:56:38 MST 2024

I got a couple emails replying to the reunion list, which is supposed to
be announcements only since it has all the email addresses known for
people in the class. Discussion should happen on the talk list at
talk at miramonte1969.org .

Below is the text of the emails received:

cpartridge11 at comcast.net wrote:
Hi, I am wondering if you have selected any dates for the reunion? I want
to make sure so I can arrange a get together for Coach Yaich and the
varsity team from 1969 as well.

Charlie Partridge

lucinda.payne at gmail.com wrote:
I'm in!  What's next?  What month? Calling?  Getting $?  Venue?
September?  October?

Not sent from an iPhone.

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