[MiramonteTalk] Forwarded to talk list

Harold Hallikainen harold at hallikainen.org
Wed Jun 5 17:03:13 MST 2024

Thanks Melinda! There has been some discussion on text messages that I am
trying to move over to here. Looking through the texts, I see suggestions
for the week after Labor Day. Venues suggested include Orinda Country Club
(though likely to be expensive), Casa Orinda, Miramonte Gardens, etc.

Suggestion to include a Miramonte Football game.

I have not yet figured out how to copy and paste a whole text message
thread, so there's just a brief summary above.

It would be great for someone who lives in the area to check things out
and report back to us with possibilities. I'm willing to be treasurer
again, and we have a little over $2k in the bank from the last reunion.


Tucson AZ

On Wed, June 5, 2024 4:44 pm, Harold Hallikainen via Talk wrote:
> From: Melinda Kenyon <melinda.kenyon at yahoo.com>
> Hi.  You?re the first responders:).  I don?t have any info or plan.  I
> just offered to help call but I don?t know if Harold H.  has a committee
> yet. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> Lucinda Payne <lucinda.payne at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm in!  What's next?  What month? Calling?  Getting $?  Venue?
> September?  October?
> --
> Not sent from an iPhone.
> --
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> Talk at miramonte1969.org
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