[MiramonteTalk] Orinda Community Parks, Sibley, Tilden

Matt Conover matt.conover at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 10:20:44 MST 2024

Our  Amended Tentative Permit adjusted the time of our picnic table
reservation from 9:00 - 6 pm to Noon - 6, to focus folks on a specific time
for arrival, to maximize number of people there at one time, for max.

But at 9:00 a.m. we can still use the picnic tables if no one else has
reserved them. If they have then we can still use the public areas, like
lawn, waterfall plaza by Library or amphitheater to meet up for hikes,
golf, neighborhood tours, or just hanging out visiting.

The attached web post by Sexton Group Real Estate has videos of the park,
plaza, village, and hiking places.

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